Alkitab SABDA


Kejadian 15:1-21

The Cutting of the Covenant

15:1 After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision: “Fear not, Abram! I am your shield and the one who will reward you in great abundance.”

15:2 But Abram said, “O sovereign Lord, what will you give me since I continue to be childless, and my heir is Eliezer of Damascus?” 15:3 Abram added, “Since 10  you have not given me a descendant, then look, one born in my house will be my heir!” 11 

15:4 But look, 12  the word of the Lord came to him: “This man 13  will not be your heir, 14  but instead 15  a son 16  who comes from your own body will be 17  your heir.” 18  15:5 The Lord 19  took him outside and said, “Gaze into the sky and count the stars – if you are able to count them!” Then he said to him, “So will your descendants be.”

15:6 Abram believed 20  the Lord, and the Lord 21  considered his response of faith 22  as proof of genuine loyalty. 23 

15:7 The Lord said 24  to him, “I am the Lord 25  who brought you out from Ur of the Chaldeans 26  to give you this land to possess.” 15:8 But 27  Abram 28  said, “O sovereign Lord, 29  by what 30  can I know that I am to possess it?”

15:9 The Lord 31  said to him, “Take for me a heifer, a goat, and a ram, each three years old, along with a dove and a young pigeon.” 15:10 So Abram 32  took all these for him and then cut them in two 33  and placed each half opposite the other, 34  but he did not cut the birds in half. 15:11 When birds of prey came down on the carcasses, Abram drove them away.

15:12 When the sun went down, Abram fell sound asleep, 35  and great terror overwhelmed him. 36  15:13 Then the Lord said to Abram, “Know for certain 37  that your descendants will be strangers 38  in a foreign country. 39  They will be enslaved and oppressed 40  for four hundred years. 15:14 But I will execute judgment on the nation that they will serve. 41  Afterward they will come out with many possessions. 15:15 But as for you, 42  you will go to your ancestors 43  in peace and be buried at a good old age. 44  15:16 In the fourth generation 45  your descendants 46  will return here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its limit.” 47 

15:17 When the sun had gone down and it was dark, a smoking firepot with a flaming torch 48  passed between the animal parts. 49  15:18 That day the Lord made a covenant 50  with Abram: “To your descendants I give 51  this land, from the river of Egypt 52  to the great river, the Euphrates River – 15:19 the land 53  of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, 15:20 Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, 15:21 Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites.” 54 

Kejadian 17:1-27

The Sign of the Covenant

17:1 When Abram was 99 years old, 55  the Lord appeared to him and said, 56  “I am the sovereign God. 57  Walk 58  before me 59  and be blameless. 60  17:2 Then I will confirm my covenant 61  between me and you, and I will give you a multitude of descendants.” 62 

17:3 Abram bowed down with his face to the ground, 63  and God said to him, 64  17:4 “As for me, 65  this 66  is my covenant with you: You will be the father of a multitude of nations. 17:5 No longer will your name be 67  Abram. Instead, your name will be Abraham 68  because I will make you 69  the father of a multitude of nations. 17:6 I will make you 70  extremely 71  fruitful. I will make nations of you, and kings will descend from you. 72  17:7 I will confirm 73  my covenant as a perpetual 74  covenant between me and you. It will extend to your descendants after you throughout their generations. I will be your God and the God of your descendants after you. 75  17:8 I will give the whole land of Canaan – the land where you are now residing 76  – to you and your descendants after you as a permanent 77  possession. I will be their God.”

17:9 Then God said to Abraham, “As for you, you must keep 78  the covenantal requirement 79  I am imposing on you and your descendants after you throughout their generations. 17:10 This is my requirement that you and your descendants after you must keep: 80  Every male among you must be circumcised. 81  17:11 You must circumcise the flesh of your foreskins. This will be a reminder 82  of the covenant between me and you. 17:12 Throughout your generations every male among you who is eight days old 83  must be circumcised, whether born in your house or bought with money from any foreigner who is not one of your descendants. 17:13 They must indeed be circumcised, 84  whether born in your house or bought with money. The sign of my covenant 85  will be visible in your flesh as a permanent 86  reminder. 17:14 Any uncircumcised male 87  who has not been circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin will be cut off 88  from his people – he has failed to carry out my requirement.” 89 

17:15 Then God said to Abraham, “As for your wife, you must no longer call her Sarai; 90  Sarah 91  will be her name. 17:16 I will bless her and will give you a son through her. I will bless her and she will become a mother of nations. 92  Kings of countries 93  will come from her!”

17:17 Then Abraham bowed down with his face to the ground and laughed 94  as he said to himself, 95  “Can 96  a son be born to a man who is a hundred years old? 97  Can Sarah 98  bear a child at the age of ninety?” 99  17:18 Abraham said to God, “O that 100  Ishmael might live before you!” 101 

17:19 God said, “No, Sarah your wife is going to bear you a son, and you will name him Isaac. 102  I will confirm my covenant with him as a perpetual 103  covenant for his descendants after him. 17:20 As for Ishmael, I have heard you. 104  I will indeed bless him, make him fruitful, and give him a multitude of descendants. 105  He will become the father of twelve princes; 106  I will make him into a great nation. 17:21 But I will establish my covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this set time next year.” 17:22 When he finished speaking with Abraham, God went up from him. 107 

17:23 Abraham took his son Ishmael and every male in his household (whether born in his house or bought with money) 108  and circumcised them 109  on that very same day, just as God had told him to do. 17:24 Now Abraham was 99 years old 110  when he was circumcised; 111  17:25 his son Ishmael was thirteen years old 112  when he was circumcised. 17:26 Abraham and his son Ishmael were circumcised on the very same day. 17:27 All the men of his household, whether born in his household or bought with money from a foreigner, were circumcised with him.

Sumber: 15,17
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